Welcome to Rob's World, the (cheesily titled) homepage of Robin Rainton.

Given I'm mainly too lazy/busy (take your pick) to write a full 'blog very often there's now a Microblog which I share to Facebook, and maybe a few other places too.

Microblog... everyday ramblings interspersed with posts from trips and other activities.

Friday 28 February 2025

When you come home from a ride and the house smells of freshly baked cake. Super nice surprise treat! grin Yum! tongue

Wednesday 19 February 2025

When wife has friends over for lunch so you're banished outside with nowt but leftover dip (& beer). #NoComplaints grin

Monday 17 February 2025

February mid-morning stroll. Erm... where's all the weekend snow gone!?!

Saturday 8 February 2025

Supposed to be a rest day, but it's beautifully white out there so... little jog to take in the winter ambience smile

Saturday 8 February 2025

First and looking like only dusting of snow at home this year. It's been a very warm winter sad

Thursday 6 February 2025

Little treat from the boulangerie... nom, nom, nom! tongue

Thursday 6 February 2025

Seeing as we are passing... short stroll at Lac de Soues. Not bad for a lake in the 'big smoke' wink

Monday 3 February 2025

Oh, go on then... wink Lunch at La Passeyade. Great garbure & dessert, but should have had the sausage main. Next time!

Monday 3 February 2025

Just because... drove up to Payolle & wondered the lake in glorious sunshine. Haven't seen it frozen before. Cool! grin

Friday 24 January 2025

24th Jan... Col d'Aspin... shorts. No wonder someone has a stupid cheesy grin on their face! wink

The below are collections of posts/images organised by trip or subject or other events. Click on the title or image to view each.

France/Germany/Austria - Dec '24

Well this is different! Winter road trip in the car. 4,000km through France and Germany then into Austria to meet extended family. If the rest of the gang can get here from Australia think we can do this, right?!

Many beautiful places, some new and some old (but new to us in their winter coat of snow). Lots and lots and LOTS of food, including more than a handful of exception experiences that will be hard to top.

Was super nice to meet the guys and even got a little skiing in. What more could one ask from a winter road trip?

48 hours in San Sebastian - Oct '24

When a friend tells you they will be passing through San Sebastian... should we meet up? Of course! Any excuse to spend a couple of days there! smile

Madeira - Sep '24

Madeira - the island of eternal spring. A short break to catch up with family.

Good times spent eating, drinking and just hanging out. Interspersed with driving tours of some favourite, and some new spots.

This isn't a cycling destination - too many 'main road only' routes and tunnels aren't ideal, but... a wonderful island for scenic and unusual walks alongside the network of levadas and in the beautiful highlands. Sadly recent bush fires have closed some of the most picturesque and famous routes, but we still found plenty to enjoy.

Another very successful trip!

France & Italy - Summer '24

A trip to the Alps is becoming our (erm... my?) go-to summer excursion, so off we go again. But... the strange weather of 2024 continues and things didn't quiet go to plan.

Never mind, a detour along French & Italian Riviera isn't exactly a hardship! After that and a brief stop in the Italian lakes (always a pleasure) then back to the mountains via Aosta valley & a return to France.

So not to plan, but always an adventure. Great food, walks, hikes and some epic cycling of course!

24 hours in San Sebastian - Jan '23

Early birthday celebration in the city of gastronomic delights!