It's kind of a 'must see' city in Italy so off we went for a quick couple of days in Venice. This involved lots and lots of walking around, and personally, being rather amazed at how the place survives as it does.
It's a crazy, crazy place, that feels almost unreal at times, or like a theme park. Until you realise that this place is real and it's what a lot of places are actually themed on! I think the feeling comes from narrow streets that might as easily be corridors in a mall. Combined with shops, restaurants, cafes, etc. at every turn - well, around the 'main' sights at least. Just like the planners in any modern development, every last inch of space is at a premium and appears to have been utilised.
There's not much more to say that the pictures don't convey. Enjoy!
As a side issue I should add that there seem to be a lot more people milling around than when I was last here (also in the off season in 1997) - tourism must certainly be on the rise!
Monday 24 September 2012
Lunch in Venice: couple slices of pizza in this quite little square. Tranquillity before hitting the tourist madness!
Monday 24 September 2012
Overcast today. We wondered randomly for miles just taking in the atmosphere. Such a unique place & crazy busy!
Monday 24 September 2012
Poor light? Take it as an opportunity to try some different post-processing. Like this view from Ponte di Rialto.
Monday 24 September 2012
Lot of masks for sale here. Even we picked one up at what seemed like an authentic studio. Not for me of course 
Monday 24 September 2012
After nasty looking clouds most of the day... boom! Luckily this passed quickly, & the sun even tried to come out 
Tuesday 25 September 2012
Breakfast in Venice. Course 1 of 4... or was that 5?... 6? Kindof lost count
Not too shabby either way! 
Tuesday 25 September 2012
Sunshine! Then if the hotel is to arrange a free water taxi to Murano (as any good one will), who are we to argue? 
Tuesday 25 September 2012
Glass demo. Stallion & bowl: 2 minutes each. Shame they don't show how those $10,000 pieces upstairs are made! 
Tuesday 25 September 2012
More Venice randomness...
Tuesday 25 September 2012
A sunny lunchtime in and around Piazza San Marco. Yup - is a bit busy. Imagine if this was actually tourist season?!
Tuesday 25 September 2012
Taking a break. Oh look, a café. Oh look, tiramisu & coffee. Don't worry, I had a treat too but don't look as nice 
Tuesday 25 September 2012
When in Venice... she made me do it! And I'd never admit it was actually rather entertaining. No, never! 
Tuesday 25 September 2012
Down at the Ponte di Rialto. In the sun even. Nice. Busy as always though!
Tuesday 25 September 2012
Canal-side dinner. Italian dishes look a bit Spartan, huh? It's that 1st/2nd course thing. Lucky they have desert!