Second winter of our European trip and things worked out pretty well on the skiing front.
It is a gamble booking a ski trip around xmas these days, but it's a special time for some and Pratiwi asked for a white Christmas, sooo... we ended up in Les Menuires. Who was I to argue? 
After a thankfully very uneventful drive into the mountains (aside from getting slightly lost in the village at the very end) we found ourselves in a very nice catered chalet right on the piste. A few days of sunshine, a few of more perhaps not the best conditions, but hey... I got to practice my technique using 'the force'
Yes, in some parts the white out was truly white, but days like those makes one appreciate the glorious sunshine all the more.
Long story short - another fantastic week in the snow, what more could you want?
Saturday 22 December 2012
Had feared the worst for a drive to the snow in peak season, but made great time! Includes 20km up to the resort!
Saturday 22 December 2012
Some time after arriving in Les Menuires we finally find the chalet... this looks promising! 
Saturday 22 December 2012
As night begins to fall... ♫ ♪ Let it snow, ♩ let it snow, ♪ ♫ let it snow ♫ 
Saturday 22 December 2012
Other guests coming from UK? Not here yet? Oh well, their loss! 2 chalet girls at our beck & call for dinner. Cheers!
Sunday 23 December 2012
Couple of kind of arty snaps from the slopes today.
Sunday 23 December 2012
Some happy snaps from first day of skiing (prolly won't take the camera out all the time). Not a bad day at all! 
Monday 24 December 2012
No camera today as wasn't going to take any pictures. But too beautiful not to share some stitches from the phone.
Monday 24 December 2012
Taking in the view while enjoying a picnic lunch. What a great day! 
Monday 24 December 2012
Back from the slopes in time for a little fun outside the chalet 
Monday 24 December 2012
Enjoying a glass of mulled wine while waiting for Santa...
Monday 24 December 2012
... and here comes the big man in red now. Lead down the slopes by the ESF torchlight procession.
Monday 24 December 2012
Les Menuires @ night. 13s exposure. Someone nearby got out their phone to take the same shot. Good luck with that! 
Monday 24 December 2012
On the walk home after xmas eve festivities.
Monday 24 December 2012
Christmas eve fireworks. Oooooooh... Ahhhhhhh... 
Tuesday 25 December 2012
Xmas day: 71.2km/7,701m vertical on the slopes before a well earned dinner with all the trimmings. Bah! Humbug!! 
Wednesday 26 December 2012
Boxing day morning. Time to clear the head after the previous night's festivities. Whhooooosh!! 
Thursday 27 December 2012
Snow outside the chalet this morning. Popped out for couple of hours, but rest was probably due. Had lazy afternoon.
Friday 28 December 2012
Final morning here & this is better! 7+ hours on the piste to finish the week. Hurrah! 
Friday 28 December 2012
Last day of the week & it's looking good. This view is from the piste right outside the chalet we're staying in 
Friday 28 December 2012
What a perfect final day. Les Menuires, up the valley & back. Val Thorens really put on a great show. Just beautiful!
Saturday 29 December 2012
Sunrise on moving day. Time to follow these lights down the mountain and then on to our next destination...
Saturday 29 December 2012
One last stop to admire the view as we head down from Les Menuires. Ahhhh...