This winter was meant to be spent mostly in the South of Spain & Portugal, but... as I said earlier (see Autumn '15) there were plans afoot in France that required our attention.
Cue spending pretty much all of winter in the Pyrenees. In the snail. Brrrrr?
Well, actually this turned out to be a very mild winter by all accounts. There was a sprinkling of snow on the peaks but the snail only saw a snow briefly for a single day. This meant that there was not to be any skiing on the cards, but, no drama - have bike, will ride 
It was only as the calendar rolled along into March that first signs of some proper snow and ice appeared, and as luck would have it this was when we finally concluded our chores. So, job done (for now) we finally got that break to the South.
Not really as planned, but as can be seen, not really a hardship either.
Tuesday 24 November 2015
Crisp morning here! Walking into the village for a look around.
Tuesday 24 November 2015
Always nice to look around local markets. Here's the weekly Argelès-Gazost one. Plenty colourful even in winter! 
Friday 27 November 2015
Looking to the val d'Azun (just beyond that village) on what's getting to be a bit of a regular walk above Préchac.
Tuesday 1 December 2015
Today someone told me South of France was much like Aus in Winter. Weather maybe, but this view from today's ride? 
Wednesday 2 December 2015
Pic du Montaigu & other randomness. Just the sort of every day stuff you see wondering around here
Wednesday 2 December 2015
Need some new bike gear. Winter gloves? Check. Booties? Check. Edge 520? Check. Served by ex-pro TDF rider? Check. Love the LBS here! 
Thursday 3 December 2015
Visiting the gite we first stayed in back in 2012. View here is always fantastic. Esp. on another sunny winter's day!
Saturday 5 December 2015
Live segments test at Hautacam. Verdict: Absolute torture! Spectacular day: wearing shorts & just 2 layers up top! 
Sunday 6 December 2015
Afternoon walk in tee shirt weather. Glorious! Spoke to a local who'd been skiing already. Great place to live!

Wednesday 9 December 2015
Don't normally care much for winter festivities... but... something feels different this year!

Saturday 12 December 2015
Chilly 5-10°C riding today. Thankful for new gloves & booties keeping me warm
Quick pic of the lovely val d'Azun.
Monday 14 December 2015
In stark contrast to my last post... Almost the middle of winter you say? Right by the mountains you say? Lovely! 
Tuesday 15 December 2015
Planned a little walk up to the Pibeste this morning. Sadly cut short, but what we did manage was really very nice!
Thursday 17 December 2015
No, these aren't, 'posted 3 months late' pictures. Col du Soulor. On the bike. Today. 17 Dec! #NotColdAtAll! 
Friday 18 December 2015
View of Castelloubon valley while on a friend's mystery tour
From the road to Col de la Bonnaliere. What a gem!
Saturday 19 December 2015
Today's ride in glorious sunshine: Col du Tourmalet. Well... as much as was possible. Didn't bring my skis! 
Wednesday 23 December 2015
Friday 25 December 2015
Merry Xmas from the French Pyrenees! Still cycling weather here! Nice ride means guilt free gluttony is coming!

Friday 25 December 2015
Oh dear... it's that time of evening already. Thank god for red wine! Although... maybe that's what got us here! 
Saturday 26 December 2015
Lovely sunny bike path cruise with Pratiwi. Then I nipped up Hautacam. You know, just because it's right there!

Sunday 27 December 2015
Winter? Looks like we're going straight to Spring here! Unless someone identify this plant as a winter bloomer? #Warm
Monday 28 December 2015
For those sick of the supposedly 'never ending stream' of our 'glamorous' travels... well... this one's for you! 
Friday 1 January 2016
New year's day post ride refreshments: Alpirsbacher Klosterbräu 'v' Franziskaner #ToughCall Happy new year indeed! 
Saturday 16 January 2016
Clouds cleared today to reveal what they've been working on: snowy peaks. Chilly ride, but beautiful all the same 
Thursday 21 January 2016
Not-so-random - ask me why
- walk in the Pyrenean foothills. Doesn't feel much like winter here!
Thursday 21 January 2016
A little further up the hill... feels like a scene out of The Sound of Music!
So beautiful here 
Sunday 24 January 2016
Views of today's ride. Unseasonably warm so popped up the Col du Soulor - as you do
Nice snowy view at the top! 
Monday 25 January 2016
More signs of spring. Pretty lucky to see this any time of year to be honest, let alone while out walking in January!
Monday 25 January 2016
It's 2am Aussie time so: Happy Australia Day!
Lovely winter sunshine in France all the better with German beer! 
Tuesday 26 January 2016
Today's ride: for a change here's the 'ugly' view looking North
That's Saint-Savin on the left saving the shot! 
Monday 8 February 2016
Snail life. Cheers! 
Saturday 13 February 2016
Might have rained a bit last night...
Still, sun was out this morning while we were out walking & then I got the bike out. Bonus! 
Saturday 13 February 2016
Out walking this beautiful morning & spotted a tree in full bloom. Surely not long before they all look like this! 
Saturday 13 February 2016
Post ride snack. Pratiwi asked, "Are you going to eat all that?!" Erm... what do you think?!
Monday 15 February 2016
Chores done & a bit chilly out, how to relax? Bread & wine seems like a good start! Cost: the princely sum of 4€! 
Tuesday 16 February 2016
So... it stopped snowing...
Flowers & the view from today's walk in the countryside.
Saturday 20 February 2016
Morning snooze bathing in the sun then little walk to next village & back. This is Beaucens, which we pass regularly.
Tuesday 1 March 2016
Today's ride: just random cruising through lots of beautiful little villages. This one is Orincles. It's nice here 
Tuesday 1 March 2016
A few pictures while wondering the Pyrenees foothills today. Lovely here, isn't it? 
Thursday 3 March 2016
Today will be mostly spent... Driving to find some early summer. To the sun..! 
Thursday 3 March 2016
Picnic rest stop on our drive today. Just a few items we happened to have in the 'car' 
Thursday 3 March 2016
Made it to the Med! We don't really do beach (too flat) But plus side: it's a bit warmer here! Swings/roundabouts 
Friday 4 March 2016
Cycling in Serra de Llaberia. After most of winter in the Pyrenees, 3% gradient in warm sunshine felt like a joke! 
Sunday 13 March 2016
Post ride refreshments... as the shadows lengthen. Another great day. Hmmmmmm...

Tuesday 15 March 2016
The Spanish like a little ham it seems. Sadly we have to pass due to lack of slicing paraphernalia in the snail! 
Tuesday 15 March 2016
Moved little further South today. Now lovely & warm. Crickets are chirping outside. Bonus: parked by the beach at bottom of a 25km climb! 
Saturday 19 March 2016
Last ride of Winter today, a bit chilly: hardly drank a thing. Then again was only just over an hour #ThingsToDo