Spring 2016. Yes, still on holiday. Oops 
Quite enjoying the Costa Blanca (can certainly recommend this as a winter cycling destination) but as the weather warms it's time to head back North.
Trip to Germany for the snail's safety inspection - can you believe it's a year already?! Which leads to the obligatory stop with friends both there and in Switzerland. Passing through an as yet unexplored part of the Black Forest & home via the Giant of Provence. Lovely stuff.
We really love the Pyrenees though so this is where the majority of our time will be spent this year I think. Ahem
And why not - a dream come true to ride the Tourmalet through walls of snow above one's head is just one of the benefits!
Tuesday 8 March 2016
Delta de l'Ebre. Quite time of year, but couple OK-ish bird in flight shots. Ducks, Flamingos, that kind of thing 
Tuesday 22 March 2016
Evening stroll. Is cloudy but warm. No sand, but on the plus side, won't be find it in every orifice for hours! 
Wednesday 23 March 2016
Shots from today's ride. Lovely roads but a bit arid around here. Higher you go, greener it gets though. Oh well! 
Thursday 24 March 2016
Beach front at Villajoyosa. This one's sandy: note the palms
Can't say it's not colourful enough & rather like it!
Saturday 26 March 2016
Today's ride: Deserted Costa Blanca roads. Surprisingly good riding here & it's almost hot! #TanLines #FullyPro 
Thursday 31 March 2016
More fun in the Costa Blanca hills today. Around 90km with 1800m of vertical. Lovely & warm too. Niiiiice

Monday 4 April 2016
Today's ride: Same route as last time, reversed. In 3½ hours riding only 34 sec difference - faster!
Tuesday 5 April 2016
Lunch in Villajoyosa. 12€ menu included a 'small' glass of sangria. This & my entrée the highlights. Yum!

Wednesday 6 April 2016
Spanish supermarket: Jamón a serious business here! There's a guy hand slicing it for your tasting pleasure too 
Wednesday 6 April 2016
Not all jamón here is cheap. This 440€ leg most expensive I could find. 49/kg? Anyone in Sydney want to comment? 
Thursday 7 April 2016
Passed lots of orange groves yesterday. Paid 7 bucks for a bag of lovely, juicy fruit as big as Pratiwi
Thursday 7 April 2016
Ride from the Med coast up brutal climb (20%+ ramps), past vineyards, a castle & lakes. You know, the usual stuff 
Friday 8 April 2016
Old town of Sitges: narrow alleys and... erm... interesting shopfront props 
Friday 8 April 2016
Great tapas bar in Sitges. Fresh kebabs, sausages, etc. came round regularly. Yum!
Sangria seems effective too! 
Friday 8 April 2016
Outside bar in Spain. Cold day: I'm wearing sweater & Goretex shell. 3 pommies walk out in tee shirts & shorts & say, "Oooo... Tropical" LOL
Friday 8 April 2016
Post lunch walk home along the beach. Think that sangria is still working on someone

Saturday 9 April 2016
Haven't done anything touristy for a while so: Santa Maria de Montserrat Abbey. Yes, it's tough being a tourist! 
Saturday 9 April 2016
Green grass & warm evening sunshine - nice
Even better: found a bottle of Czech beer in the garage. Cheers! 
Monday 11 April 2016
Today's ride: up a lovely little - 1,200m at the top
- climb. Parc Natural del Montseny. Just North of Barcelona.
Tuesday 12 April 2016
Sadly this is a Spanish baguette. But... it's still warm from the oven & I only had to walk 50m to find it. Result!
Tuesday 12 April 2016
Back in France so lunch supplies are easy: Find boulangerie, buy quiche &... no idea what the other is but was tasty!
Thursday 14 April 2016
Plenty of scope for CX training on today's ride
By the beach & through wetland. And yes, those dots are flamingos!
Friday 15 April 2016
Still working on that bag of oranges. So sweet & juicy. There are worse things to eat morning, noon & night! 
Friday 15 April 2016
Welcome to Lyon! This is why we usually avoid cities, but GPS says it's best way North. Doh!
Cool clouds though.
Saturday 16 April 2016
Love French obsession with bread. We might be in motorway services miles from anywhere, but there's still fresh warm baguettes available! 
Saturday 16 April 2016
After bit of a long day on the road... simple things sometimes make the best treats. Ahhhh...
Saturday 16 April 2016
Lunch stop in the Alsace region. Very traditional looking restaurant has Italian specials. Who are we to argue?

Saturday 16 April 2016
Post lunch constitutional. This little village is Barr, & although it's still France the German influence is obvious.
Saturday 16 April 2016
Evening stroll around Deidesheim before dinner. And a bit of... ahem... silliness
Warmer than it looks... honest!
Sunday 17 April 2016
I'm sure jamón slicing is a very earnest business... just no-one thought to tell these two!
Oh dear! 
Sunday 17 April 2016
So now the girls have finished messing about (ahem!!), it's time to get serious. Hand me a knife! 
Sunday 17 April 2016
I did say we couldn't get a whole leg due to lack of slicing equipment in the snail. Lucky we're visiting friends! 
Sunday 17 April 2016
My first attempt at jamón slicing. Should be thinner, but still tasted great. More practice required. On no!

Sunday 17 April 2016
Typical afternoon in Germany? #DoingItTough #ThesePretzelsAreMakingMeThirsty 
Monday 18 April 2016
German breakfast. Well... Only part of it to be fair. Because we didn't eat enough swine last night!
Monday 18 April 2016
Even up here in Germany, spring is coming... yay!
Monday 18 April 2016
Spotted in German drinks store. Lost in translation? No! It's 'hell' beer named after the Austrian village, 'Fucking'
Tuesday 19 April 2016
Sunrise from a German vineyard. You have to love the random parking spots they lay on around here (Rhine valley).
Tuesday 19 April 2016
Snail's in for it's TÜV (can you believe it's been a year!) so what to do? Lucky we know this restaurant close by 
Wednesday 20 April 2016
Frosty Black Forest morn. Quite a shock as we were by the Med few days back. Can feel a beautiful day coming though!
Wednesday 20 April 2016
Quiet, smooth, twisty, rolling roads through beautiful nature & charming villages. I love riding the Black Forest! 
Wednesday 20 April 2016
Back from an awesome ride, evening sun & few bottles from local monastery at hand. Hmmm... decisions, decisions

Thursday 21 April 2016
Short walk into the local village. Through the forest, naturally 
Thursday 21 April 2016
Hearty lunch under dappled shade in a beer garden next to the Abbey & old brewery where that beer originates. Cheers!
Thursday 21 April 2016
Part of the beer shop in Alpirsbach - next to the Abbey which founded this brewery. 2l bottle of beer anyone?!

Thursday 21 April 2016
Dessert time: Black Forest gâteau & more local beer. Like there's another choice?! Love a bakery that serves beer! 
Friday 22 April 2016
Today's ride: bit grey but always something interesting to see. This is on the dam wall at Stausee Kleine Kinzig.
Friday 22 April 2016
Evening forest walk & a few trees are blossoming. Been great but allegedly it will snow here tomorrow! Time to leave!
Saturday 23 April 2016
Time for lunch so pick a spot to park up. This is Eglisau (Switzerland) on the banks of the Rhine. Wet but beautiful.
Sunday 24 April 2016
Swiss motorway services: beautiful, clean, modern, efficient... and rather expensive. Luckily we don't need any fuel!
Monday 25 April 2016
Random view from the road en-route to Provence. This is on the hill above Puy-Saint-Martin. Lovely day 
Monday 25 April 2016
Yes, we did just squeeze though that archway, somehow defying the laws of physics! Love medieval French villages! 
Monday 25 April 2016
Passing through Vaison-la-Romaine. In 2012 I spent several hours on an IV drip 100m from this square. Fun times! 
Monday 25 April 2016
Rosbif lunch. Désolé monsieur, it's better in the UK
Mousse for dessert was to die for though. Nom, nom, nom! 
Tuesday 26 April 2016
Post ride snack. Despite it being a bit nippy up Ventoux looks like I got a bit sweaty somewhere on today's route! 
Wednesday 27 April 2016
Lazy day so will just walk into village. Someone is late so forced to sit & wait on sunny terrace. #Hardship #Sigh 
Wednesday 27 April 2016
Awesome table spotted outside a bar in Bédoin.
Wednesday 27 April 2016
So... another difficult day draws to a close... Ahhhhh... 
Thursday 28 April 2016
Random lunch stop in Remoulins. Not the prettiest of places, but this corner was still photogenic.
Friday 29 April 2016
Ride from Lac du Salagou into the hills. Wonderful area with huge vistas & beautiful villages - like Lunas seen here.
Sunday 1 May 2016
Driving along that road from Capvern to Mauvezin. Always amazing views here, even on a cloudy day.
Sunday 1 May 2016
Local couple gave us the tip to go to this spot & collect wild garlic. Tasty in salad & cooking they said. We agree.
Sunday 1 May 2016
First evening back in the Pyrenees. Little walk around the new neighbourhood & introductions with the locals. Mooooo!
Monday 2 May 2016
Busy day, but got out for lovely spring evening's spin in the Baronnies: tiny, quiet roads & plenty of punchy climbs!
Monday 2 May 2016
The scene from our doorstep tonight: last rays of sunshine on the Pic du Midi. Yes, yes, with a very long lens! 
Tuesday 3 May 2016
Cyclists should know this guy: He spends summer atop Col du Tourmalet but prefers to winter in the valley it seems 
Wednesday 4 May 2016
First Tourmalet ascent of the year. Last 3km closed to cars, but not bikes!
As usual, sucks to be a car driver! 
Thursday 5 May 2016
Today's ride: foothills then Chiroulet, which is in the valley between the 2 main peaks in 1st pic. Beautiful day 
Thursday 5 May 2016
Impromptu dinner invite. Lots of excellent Asian food, especially that beef rendang! Nom, nom, nom!
Saturday 7 May 2016
Rest day done right: just lounging around our 'garden' - aka. the campsite
- in the evening sunshine. Ahhhhh... 
Sunday 8 May 2016
Big week of riding ends with loop to next valley & home over this little climb. Stayed dry despite the clouds. Phew!
Monday 9 May 2016
Rest day stroll. Got a little carried away & ended up going 8km to the next village & source of the Crastes. Oops 
Tuesday 10 May 2016
What passes for an easy local loop these days
Couple of hours smashing round beautiful, empty roads like this! 
Wednesday 11 May 2016
Impromptu dinner. French moule frite very nice, but sorry, still not as good as the Belgiums! Great dessert though 
Tuesday 17 May 2016
I never do coffee stops but beer & pizza is mid-ride break I can get behind
122km & Hautacam PR today. Love it! 
Friday 20 May 2016
Things to do this arvo, so little spin up the Aspin & to Lac de Payolle was all there was time for today. Oh well! 
Saturday 21 May 2016
Toasty today at 34° in the Baronnies! View back to the snowy peaks from near Capvern. Hmmmmmm.... snnnnooooowwwwww 
Tuesday 24 May 2016
Col de Beyrede (some dirt & gravel on the climb) & Hourquette d'Ancizan. Cos you can't do famous cols ALL the time 
Tuesday 24 May 2016
A few locals obviously thought phone I pulled from my back pocket was food. Sorry! Will bring carrots next time! 
Tuesday 24 May 2016
Schoolboy error: Out riding & remembering there's only 1 bottle of beer in fridge! Masterful save: It's a 3 Monts! 
Friday 27 May 2016
Accidentally plotted a cycling course up the wrong hill & ended up here: Plaine d'Esquiou. Could have been worse! 
Saturday 4 June 2016
More French hardship: tough choices to make in the patisserie
BTW, we went the gateaux fraise & it was to die for!
Saturday 4 June 2016
All I could find in the fridge... Leffe & Duval. How terrible!
Tuesday 7 June 2016
Another back to back tasting test. Duval v St Bernardus Tripel. Verdict: too close to call. More testing required! 
Thursday 9 June 2016
Bit of a struggle up the Tourmalet today. What with heat & running out of water after going long way round. Oops! 
Thursday 9 June 2016
Salt on jersey is normal but I took ass-sweat to whole new level today
100km Tourmalet loop & still 30° at 1700m!
Friday 10 June 2016
Fresh baguette delivery in France. Bread here is seldom wrapped & clearly throwing it in an old pipe isn't an issue!
Friday 10 June 2016
Helping friends collect cherries from this beautiful tree in their yard. Yuuuuuum! 
Friday 10 June 2016
When you drop round to friends for lunch... and are served a four course gourmet meal! Nom, nom, nom
Thank you! 
Friday 10 June 2016
Evening 'snack'. Nom, nom, nom...