Meet up in San Sebastian starts with Sunday lunch at a Basque cideria: help yourself from the barrel! Great food too!
Dinner before heading to airport. This roadside warung had the best BBQ chicken! Ginger tea from cart nextdoor. Nom!
Awesome Swiss public BBQ pit. With firewood provided! Right by a spring on small riverside walking trail. Very nice!
We've been spoilt rotten by our generous hosts here in Germany. Final lunch from the BBQ. Yum! Thank you so much
Tough afternoon in the office. Happy Friday everyone
Guess what's for dinner? Nom, nom, nom! This was just round 1, but too busy munching to share round 2
BBQ lunch at Koh-Ya equals huge plate of meat. Nom, nom, nom! Sip, sip. Nom! Lucky the walk is a 5km round trip