Today's sunrise amble along Sanur beachfront. Could almost get used to this... if I hadn't injured my foot... doh!
Sanur beach sunset. Shame this is the wrong side of the island for sunset pictures!...
This evening's stroll by the beach. Despite the haze think that's Mount Agung visible in the distance (almost 50km!).
Coastal sunset vibes, Saint-Jean-de-Luz
Camping by Lake Annecy. Bit grey on arrival but remnants of today's storm look cool blowing over peaks on other side.
Sunset at Blanes. Seems like every beach here has a group of small fishing boats for tourists to snap. Works well
Waking up to a beautiful day by Chiemsee... going to be a good one!
Swanning around Hendaye marina. Personally I don't see the point of a snail without wheels, but takes all sorts!
Obligatory, 'sunset on the beach', holiday snap. Sorry... I'll put some palm leaf silhouettes in the next one