Tschuss Abtenau Was short but sweet... maybe see you again when it's not so white? Could bring the snail?
Great ride up Lacets de Montvernier & Col du Chaussy, but no views from either. Doh! Few nice shots later on though.
Today's ride: Just a short one, but found some crazy hairpins above Verdun here in the Ariege. Niiiiice
Driving over Col de Peyresourde. Not as fun as the bike, but yeah, you can still appreciate the view I guess!
Tourist road 520 from Røldalsvatnet (lake way below the hairpins) to Sauda. Almost got blown over taking last shots!
Rest of today's ride (Hildal to Hara): Stunning mountain pass left traffic free as main road now runs in a tunnel!
Norwegian tourist road 13. Couple days back rode this on the bike in sunshine. Much more fun. Look at those hairpins!
Is a short walk to lookout above Trollstigen. Even on a grey day absolutely worth it. Bonus rainbow feature today
Hairpins on the Italian side of Col de Larche. Suppose I should be calling this the Colle della Maddalena then