Sunday 12 April 2009
Shaving on a Sunday - it just doesn't seem right. Never mind - least I'll be aerodynamic for the social laps of Manly this morning.
Saturday 11 April 2009
Eating a tin of tuna after a monster bike ride. Perhaps I should also have a shower? And sleep. Yes... sleeping sounds like a plan!
Friday 10 April 2009
Tuna and spaghetti - not as odd as you'd think.
Friday 10 April 2009
Watched Planet of the Apes (2001) this arvo. Mark Wahlberg trying to get home? Should have stayed put dude, should have stayed put!
Thursday 9 April 2009
Damn cat6 network plugs!
Wednesday 8 April 2009
Sitting on the other side of the room. This is quiet a feat and means world domination will soon be mine. Mmmmmwwahahahahahahaa!
Tuesday 7 April 2009
Admiring the shelving of world domination fame. Now, if only I can move this desk from one side of the room to the other...
Monday 6 April 2009
Slept for 10 hrs straight on Sunday night. Might have something to do with 2 (optimistic est.) hrs a night Fri/Sat. Love 24hr racing!
Sunday 5 April 2009
Done riding my laps at The Mont. 4 at 1hr ave. Pretty happy with that given how ill I felt last night!
Saturday 4 April 2009
The rain stopped so top days racing. Then they ran out of water for showers. Not happy!
Friday 3 April 2009
Camping at The Mont. Rain, rain, rain. Please, not another 24 hours of rain!
Friday 3 April 2009
Isn't it nice to wake up on a Friday and realise you don't have to go to the office? What? You're in the office? Sucked in!!
Wednesday 1 April 2009
DLH is finished (all bar sealing up the back). Yay!
Monday 30 March 2009
Reporting from the geek side: running temperature tests on some new home made bike lights. bFlex + 6 Cree XPE = much heat and light
Sunday 29 March 2009
Chillin' after riding 5 laps of The Dam this morning. F1 anyone? Let's see if it sends me to sleep like the old days
Saturday 28 March 2009
Have been too busy to Tweet all week. But now it's time to clean some bikes and have some fun. Right after I eat these two boiled eggs.
Tuesday 24 March 2009
Typing in another tweet that may or maY not be lost in the ether.
Tuesday 24 March 2009
Where's my tweet from yesterday? The whole interweb is borken today! And where's my Ramen?
Sunday 22 March 2009
Massaging a knot out of the left calf. Ahhh.... That's better.
Sunday 22 March 2009
Standing outside Ikea with 2 Broder posts. Can you tell what it is yet? Nothing to do with World Domination shelving, BTW.
Sunday 22 March 2009
stuffed after gigantic Moroccan brunch. Hmmmmm.
Saturday 21 March 2009
Smashed after the 12 gates of hell! If you only have time for one ride on a weekend, make it a goodie! Ouch!
Saturday 21 March 2009
Going to Cascades to ride some dirt covered hills. Hope the sun comes up soon!
Friday 20 March 2009
Is there anything better than shredding a roast chicken with your bare hands? Mmyamyamyammm!
Friday 20 March 2009
Melting... Melllting.
Thursday 19 March 2009
Fire extinguishers and broken toilets: some of the objects I see on rooftops from our office. Why?
Wednesday 18 March 2009
would have finished a lap of The Dam by now on a proper bike!
Wednesday 18 March 2009
Riding a stationary bike. Yawn!
Wednesday 18 March 2009
Wondering why the Optus data network is soooo bad!
Wednesday 18 March 2009
Wondering what to have for lunch. Erm... where can you get brown rice in the city!?
Monday 16 March 2009
Admiring these Tweets on his homepage. Erm... aren't you meant to drive it the other way round? Possibly, but it's like this for now
Sunday 15 March 2009
Waiting for some Arctic Silver to dry. Hmmmmm... new lights are getting close!
Saturday 14 March 2009
There are now shelf brackets on the wall. Now if I can only find some wood for the shelving my plan for world domination will be complete!
Saturday 14 March 2009
Just collected a load of Elfa shelving parts. Hmmmm... now if only I can fix them to the wall my plan for world domination will be complete!
Saturday 14 March 2009
What a beautiful morning. Shame today is earmarked for DIY. There would be a picture of the beauty but twibble doesn't want to play nice.
Saturday 14 March 2009
@danosirra just what I need to know first thing in the morning.
Friday 13 March 2009
Trying Twitter for the first time. Whoop-de-doo!