Supposed to be a rest day, but it's beautifully white out there so... little jog to take in the winter ambience
First and looking like only dusting of snow at home this year. It's been a very warm winter
Little treat from the boulangerie... nom, nom, nom!
Seeing as we are passing... short stroll at Lac de Soues. Not bad for a lake in the 'big smoke'
Deja vu!? Another beautifully sunny social day on the piste!
Oh, go on then... Lunch at La Passeyade. Great garbure & dessert, but should have had the sausage main. Next time!
Just because... drove up to Payolle & wondered the lake in glorious sunshine. Haven't seen it frozen before. Cool!
Fun times at Shamrock Tarbes open mic. night. Good to get out for a few pints & some live music in the 'big smoke'
24th Jan... Col d'Aspin... shorts. No wonder someone has a stupid cheesy grin on their face!
Nice sunset this evening! End of a great day
Happy Birthday to Me! Delicious & entertaining lunch in the village with some generous friends. Thank you guys!
Bit frosty for riding this morning so went for a little jog. View to our house from the other side of the valley
Out & about so decided to have a little stroll somewhere different (Visker) on the way home. Lovely winter's morning.
Very social ski at Grand Tourmalet. Surprisingly good given how little snow has fallen, was a great day on the piste!
Good morning neighbours! Have you missed us...?
It's good to get home from a trip & enjoy our mountain views... erm... #WrongKindOfMountains
When you nonchalantly said your winter trip would be a 4000km drive... & get home only 3.7km short of that. LOL!
Found a nice Italian restaurant & ordered plat du jour... which wasn't pizza. Doh! Still, that steak wasn't bad!
Bakery aisle & kebab (well, doner meat sandwich) complete our meals for today. Who said road trips aren't healthy?
Couple of hours drive later, some of that even on the autobahn! Yes, is cold today so had to clean snow off by hand.
We're passing the Black Forest today so... coffee & obligatory gateau at our last rest stop in Germany. Super yum!
Time to dig out the car and head home! So long Steuer - that was fun!
Bluebird day at Dachstein West. Sunrise to those sunset beers top of last lift. Good times!
Good morning Steuer! Is that blue sky & fresh snow? Looks like it's gonna be a great day!
Xmas dinner with the Stoddards. Thanks for having us guys! More thanks to Nate the chef & helpers, what a spread!
Short afternoon stroll in a snowy forest. Met some interesting characters!
Good morning Steuer! Bit of snowfall today then?
Apres-ski done right: Sauna, snow, spa, beer! Cheers, Sam!
Skiing deserted Dachstein West. Snowed all day so ate squashed sanger in telecabin. Hoping pics are better next time!
Lunch @ K2 Restaurant with Meli & Sam. Nom, nom, nom! Very white out front, but sorry about bizarre light inside.
Arrived in Steuer... let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...!
Tschuss Abtenau Was short but sweet... maybe see you again when it's not so white? Could bring the snail?
Arrived in Abtenau to catch last rays of sun, from the balcony & above. Love this place but just here for the night.
Afternoon drive to Abtenau via Gosau. Beautiful scenery, especially near the end when the sun came out
Side trip to Hallstatt. Beautiful but bitterly cold in the lakeside shadows. Should have got up earlier... doh!
Views on the morning drive from Salzburg: Fuschlsee & Wolfgangsee (over St Gilgen & to St Wolfgang im Salzkammergut).
Dinner @ Ichi go Ichi e, Salzburg. Wonderful food (both ramen & rice dishes) & lucky to find space on a Friday night!
Culture done, back to the market to say hi to sis & munch some random treats. Dampfnudeln the clear winner! Yum!
Salzburg cathedral organ recital. Some interesting art, esp. in the crypt, but not super impressed with the music
Morning stroll into central Salzburg... lucky we already had that hotel breakfast... erm... feast?
Hotel room breakfast... at least they left us fresh raisin bread so there's something vaguely nutritious?
In a strange twist of fate turns out our hotel this eve is right next to a highly rated Indian restaurant Nom!
Cheers! But... erm... why are we drinking from what appear to be tiny vases??
More xmas markets & sparkly lights, this time in Salzburg. Then a short walk across the river & back to our digs.
Rest stop & a chance to walk through this very cool little gorge (Innersbachklamm). Gem of a find!
Today's random views from the road: Sankt Jakob in Haus, Pillersee & a small gorge near Schottl.
Beer & pizza at Memory Cafe, Ellmau. Delicious! Place seems to be frequented by stars, so got a selfie with Arnie!
Little jolly to look at Hintersteiner See. There are llamas at home too, but somehow more exciting here
Apres... erm... well, not ski, but playing in the snow. Cheers!
Playing in the snow with little people...