Another random stop, this time for coffee, cakes, meat pasty & you never can eat too much caco de bolo in Madeira!
Random stop at a Gaudi-esque church. Bit odd, but view is nice & the olds hadn't seen this before, so that's a bonus.
Visit to another scorched lookout & closed walking trail Miradouro da Boca dos Namorados - catchy name!
In the grounds of Hotel Quinta da Serra, this Eucalyptus is allegedly the tallest tree on Madeira. Sure is a big boy!
Lunch @ Abrigo do Pastor. Calves liver, garlic pork, suckling pig, venison stew, chocolate mousse, tiramisu. Amazing!
They said Madeira would be crowded & parking hard. Yet only us in this empty carpark top of Pico do Arieiro! Easy!
View from Pico do Areeiro. Path to Ruivo closed due to fires (somewhere in the clouds). Would have done it otherwise.
Hike pt 2: Miradouro dos Balcoes. Actually lucky with clouds - as we left it really rolled in & could see nothing!
First part of today's hike: Levada do Furado all to ourselves. Didn't see a soul until we were almost back to start!
Tonight's dessert... erm... half eaten... sorry
Goodnight Funchal...
We skipped the touristic looking places & had lunch snack in a side-street bar. Tasty fish sandwich, coffee & cake.
Few more random snaps wondering around Funchal. Gotta say, while nice to walk around, not the most photogenic place.
Obligatory bakery craving photo ... Funchal edition.
Fresh produce & fish market in Funchal. Very interesting & very colourful place!
Early-ish morning stroll in Funchal.
Tonight's dessert... super yum!
Views on the drive home: Miradouro Camacha, overlooking Funchal & squeezing through the old town!
End of hike treats in a local coffee shop. Nom, nom, nom!
Coastal hike from Canical, along the levada to Pico do Facho & back. Mostly dry & dusty but very quiet which is nice.
Funky coloured rocks near the start of our hike. Could go up there, but not why we are here today!
Madeira had some serious bushfires just before our visit. Many of the most spectacular roads & trails still closed
Beautiful view North from Miradouro da Encumeada. You wouldn't think anything untoward had happened from this, but...
Late lunch by the sea. My tuna picado (traditional Madeiran dish) was amazing! Rest not that bad either Nom!
Natural(ish) swimming pools at Porto Moniz. For me, wasn't really hot enough to warrant a swim & was rather nippy in!
On the road (clifftop?!) above Porto Moniz. Allegedly a top swimming spot down there. Guess we'll find out soon?
Couple of random viewpoints from the road (ER105) this morning. Heading from Funchal to Porto Moniz.
Good evening Funchal! Thanks for putting on a show Spoiler alert: sunset was pretty much like this all week!
Why do we do it?!? At least it's only a hop, skip & a jump over to...
Sitting on a park bench in dappled sunshine, eating Thai takeout... perfect start to any holiday!
Driving through vineyards & tree tunnels... en route to Bordeaux. What could this be all about?!
Last Tourmalet of Summer. Booooo! Perfect day for it, and don't worry - autumn riding here is pretty good too!
Blue sky Tourmalet tonne (& a bit)... what a day!
Chillin' on the terrace after some yardwork. Sometimes we don't even need to wait 'til sunset for a light show here!
Trimming tall hedges today. Raining spiders & caterpillars. Imagine doing this in Aus? You'd be straight to A&E!
Nice sunset this evening!
Crystal clear Lac d'Estom & the equally pristine Gave de Lutour. Many shallows & waterfalls on this hike. Stunning!
Last Pyrenees Cycl'n Trip bike only morning this year. Aubisque & Soulor. Magical climb through & above the clouds!
Sunrise from the front door... let's get out there!
When mountains are your playground! Peyresourde & altiport bike only morning + few more climbs seeing as I'm here
Early... erm... drive (shock!) over Col d'Aspin. Kindof fun when not with a nervous passenger in a 3.5t vehicle
Obligatory TdF day ride up the Tourmalet. Usual madness & great atmosphere, although it looks oddly quiet here!
Lunch @ Chez Gabrielle. We are rarely defeated but had to doggy bag some of the pork knuckle. Very generous servings!
Spotted in Barbazan-Dessus... flagon of wine on the rack, bottle in the back pocket. Did well to make it this far!
Col d'Aspin today. As usual (in summer) overrun by cattle. There are worse places to have on your doorstep!
4 hours later...! Yes, takes a while to get the garden half presentable after 3 weeks away & still much more to do!
Heading home today, but when in Toulouse... Last holiday lunch at one of our fave curry houses. Nom!
Random view from the road today. Looking west(ish) from somewhere near A75/D29 junction.
If it fits, we... erm... stays here? Not the ideal campsite entrance but she'll be right!