This trip was billed as a few weeks of tropical relaxation before heading off on a longer adventure. However, it had a metamorphosis in the middle into couple weeks of adventure itself and at times things were anything but tropical!
Big thanks to our Indonesian family members for arranging basically all of that adventure through Java. What an amazing time!
The Thai part of this was pretty much as can be expected. Although I have to say - was not that impressed by Thailand from a tourist point of view. We visited Kamala, Karon, Phuket City & Thalang. Nice enough I guess, but not half as nice as Indonesia 
Moving on then... after meeting family in Jakarta the fun (or is that madness?!) really started. Lots of catching up meant lots & lots of eating, and you'd be forgiven for thinking this was just a food safari at points!
Drive through Java to Bandung, fly to Surabaya, overland bus to Mt Bromo, Malang & Batu. Train Surabaya to Yogyakarta which was just stunning with it's selection of temples.
A few of us parted ways at this point and some headed to Bali for a well earned (yeah - right!
) 10 days or so to unwind.
Saturday 28 February 2015
Can't think why we chose this restaurant. At least while Pratiwi is engrossed in menu there's some entertainment! 
Sunday 1 March 2015
Little stroll before pre-dinner drinks, Kamala beach. It's pretty small as I managed to jog end to end this morning!
Sunday 1 March 2015
Obligatory, 'sunset on the beach', holiday snap. Sorry... I'll put some palm leaf silhouettes in the next one 
Sunday 1 March 2015
To be honest we've had better Thai food. But it's not like that's why we chose this spot. 'The Corner', Kamala Beach.
Monday 2 March 2015
Wondering around few blocks back from Karon Beach. Pratiwi loves street food & on this occasion I have to agree! Yum!
Monday 2 March 2015
And for desert... Pratiwi could barely stand the wait for her banana pancake! Guy was super speedy too! Yum again! 
Tuesday 3 March 2015
The Big Buddha. Perched top of a hill you can see this from miles around. Misty below though so no view to speak of.
Tuesday 3 March 2015
Wat Chalong. Feels shiny & new. Not at all what we expected from a temple. Very colourful though, hope that shows.
Tuesday 3 March 2015
Karon beach at midday. Umbrellas far as the eye can see but still many lobsters around. Ouch! Not for us until later.
Tuesday 3 March 2015
Sunset pre-dinner walk along Karon beach. Sorry about the tourist pics, but I did say there'd be palm trees coming 
Wednesday 4 March 2015
Karon beach just after sunrise. Almost makes the jogging bearably
Wednesday 4 March 2015
Dinner & shopping in Phuket Town. But mostly dinner. Finished off with durian & beer (yes, beer) from a local grocer.
Friday 6 March 2015
Waiting, waiting,waiting... It's not all glamorous you know!
Saturday 7 March 2015
Confusing amalgamation of food squares & malls in Jakarta. Not sure where we ended up for dinner but it was nice!
Sunday 8 March 2015
Breakfast in Jakarta. To the uninitiated looks a lot like every other meal. Rice. Curry. Spicy stuff. It's all good.
Sunday 8 March 2015
Afternoon tea at Ngopi Doeloe, Bandung. Ironically (as we've just left Thailand) I'm drinking Thai tea. Caramel yum!
Sunday 8 March 2015
Paskal Food Market, Bandung. Actually didn't eat much as still full from earlier! Never mind, great photo ops here 
Monday 9 March 2015
Road to Tangkuban Perahu, around 2000m altitude so nice & cool. Beautiful views to greenery below contrasts crater.
Monday 9 March 2015
Lembang Floating Market. Should include the word, 'food' in it's name because really, just another excuse to eat! 
Monday 9 March 2015
Bandung traffic. Perhaps reflective of Indonesia as a whole. Doesn't quite do things justice but you get the idea.
Monday 9 March 2015
Dinner at The Valley, Bandung. Quite a special place. The locals joked that it's only really for couples on dates 
Tuesday 10 March 2015
The Victoria Luxurious Guesthouse, Bandung. Beautiful lobby. Really well presented. We loved it 
Tuesday 10 March 2015
Bandung airport. No jet bridges here. When 2 planes board at same time, just remember to get on the correct one! 
Tuesday 10 March 2015
Fantastic lunch in Ikan Bakar Cianjur. All for the princely sum of $4.50/person. Love Indonesia... while I'm well! 
Wednesday 11 March 2015
2am wakeup for 4WD journey up a mountain to see sunrise. But all we saw was mist. Oh well, had a good time waiting 
Wednesday 11 March 2015
Escaping to below the mist. Down in the crater that surrounds Mt Bromo, obligatory 'sitting on the bonnet' 4WD shot.
Wednesday 11 March 2015
A small glimmer of sun on an otherwise rainy day & here's the result. So there is some consolation to this weather!
Wednesday 11 March 2015
Bit of a melee down at the base of the volcano. Rain & mist persisting too. Top spot for fans of Toyota FJ40s though!
Wednesday 11 March 2015
Despite the inclement weather took short (~30 mins) walk up to rim of Mt Bromo... where it was equally grey & wet!
Wednesday 11 March 2015
Savannah section of the Mt Bromo crater. Apparently it's beautiful & green here even when not raining constantly 
Wednesday 11 March 2015
6 guests, driver & guide squeezed into an FJ40. Sitting in back an old Landcruiser always feels like an adventure 
Wednesday 11 March 2015
Final area of Mt Bromo crater: volcanic sands said to whisper, when they are not soaked! + more FJ40s for their fans.
Wednesday 11 March 2015
Such a grey day deserves a set of B&W shots. Amazing experience though & easily worth early start & wet conditions.
Wednesday 11 March 2015
Back at hotel not long after 9am. Could have had a lie in & seen this. Would have missed out on all the fun though 
Wednesday 11 March 2015
After spending all morning shooting in rain improvised lens drying kit: 1kg of rice & an airtight bag. Seems to work.
Wednesday 11 March 2015
Bakso dinner, Indonesian take on meat balls. I steered clear of chilli. Wise move as everyone else was ill next day!
Thursday 12 March 2015
At Coban Rondo. That spray was refreshing 
Thursday 12 March 2015
More than just a waterfall - short but nice forest walk to get there. Too short really though, I'd gladly see more.
Thursday 12 March 2015
Monkeys at Coban Rondo. Thankfully well behaved. Some tourist spots they will literally take the shirt off your back!
Thursday 12 March 2015
Few random hillsides we passed. Amazing how locals get terraces on these. Was same (or even more crazy) around Bromo.
Thursday 12 March 2015
Random flower pictures from the side of the road while we had a little break. Photo ops. everywhere!
Thursday 12 March 2015
Priorities in an Indo taxi: Seatbelts? Dashboard? Carpets? Working speedo? Rear door? Or 4500W video karaoke system?
Thursday 12 March 2015
They grow a lot of fruit around Malang, so we visited an Orchard. As you do. There were apples here & everything! 
Thursday 12 March 2015
Indonesian pavé! Rough as driving up & down. Easy for this guy with a huge bag of something on his scooter though.
Thursday 12 March 2015
Stopped by Singhasari Temple (or is it Singosari?) as we passed. Not in bad shape for something around 700 years old.
Thursday 12 March 2015
Padang food in Surabaya. Yum! This place was pricey but sparkling clean & had the best beef Rendang. Lots o fun

Friday 13 March 2015
Decided to take a train from Surabaya to Yogyakarta. Stations either end were surprisingly 'normal'. Here's Surabaya.
Friday 13 March 2015
Scenes from a moving train, Surabaya to Yogyakarta. Mostly rural, with a little urban. Love the ever changing view.
Friday 13 March 2015
On Surabaya to Jogjakarta train. Was going to use time to sort photos but took load more as countryside passed, before falling asleep. Oops!
Friday 13 March 2015
Arrived in Jogjakarta. No nonsense approach to leaving the station. Then crammed into a small taxi. Still having fun!
Friday 13 March 2015
Lunch at Bu Tini. Not really for the squeamish, but I'm getting used to this kind of thing by now!
Friday 13 March 2015
What happens when someone doesn't trim the roots of a potted palm. Notice the one behind has broken it's pot anyway.
Friday 13 March 2015
Malioboro St: famous shopping area packed with horse carts & becaks (bike taxis - often with napping drivers).
Saturday 14 March 2015
Tourists climb the stairs on Borobudur temple before dawn. Numbers are limited for sunrise but certainly worth doing!
Saturday 14 March 2015
Stupa silhouettes atop Borobudur before dawn. Not sunlight casting shadows but floodlights just before they turn off.
Saturday 14 March 2015
Tried some light painting among the domes but ironically it's this shot of Jo doing the same I found most pleasing.
Saturday 14 March 2015
Dawn at the world's largest Buddhist temple. What a setting. Even clouds can't spoil this simply stunning experience.
Saturday 14 March 2015
Putting on a brave face after 2:30am start! Easily worth the sleep deprivation, even if you can't tell from this! 
Saturday 14 March 2015
Photos really can't do Borobudur justice, but one has to try: more shots from between the stupas at the top. Magical!
Saturday 14 March 2015
Someone told us that if you can touch one of the enclosed Buddhas & make a wish it will be granted. Here's hoping! 
Saturday 14 March 2015
The lower, square levels here are covered in intricate carvings. Don't skip past them on the way down. Amazing stuff!
Saturday 14 March 2015
Last look back through the trees. Amazing to think it's around 1200 years old & was buried for literally centuries!
Saturday 14 March 2015
Mendut temple looks quite small on the outside. But... go in & look up at that roof! Nice tree in the grounds too.
Saturday 14 March 2015
Very quick stop by tiny little Pawon Temple. Linked to Borobudur & Mendut one has to look, but really... it's tiny.
Saturday 14 March 2015
All temple'd out! Everyone fell asleep after a very early start. Need to recover for the afternoon's temple tours! 
Saturday 14 March 2015
Lunch at Djun, Jogjakarta. Hot, hot, hot! I've taken to drinking sweet tea to cool down! Very nice for $2.65/person!
Saturday 14 March 2015
Prambanan temple. It's Hindu but just as old as Borobudur (where we started the day). I've run out of superlatives.
Saturday 14 March 2015
Sewu temple, right next to Prambanan. Really interesting to wonder ruins that are making a great puzzle for someone!
Saturday 14 March 2015
Sunset at Prambanan. Well... it was close to sunset & post processing got us (almost?) the rest of the way there 
Saturday 14 March 2015
Dinner at The House of Raminten. Very popular. Large queues. Horse stalls right next to kitchen! Completely crazy!
Saturday 14 March 2015
Pratiwi trying to figure out what's going on with the millions of Rupiah in our group's kitty. Confusing! 
Sunday 15 March 2015
3.5kg of laundry washed & pressed for $2.50 & that was double price because we wanted it express (next day). Bargain!
Sunday 15 March 2015
Hmmmm... I'm not sure there is enough ginger in this ginger tea. What do you think? 
Sunday 15 March 2015
Stepped out for a spot of dinner in Jogjakarta. Pork sate & other goodies on the streets around Malioboro. Yum! 
Sunday 15 March 2015
Local transport in Jogjakarta: the becak. Comes in both motorised & pedal powered forms for locals & tourists alike.
Sunday 15 March 2015
Fanatical Manchester United fan spotted in Jogjakarta. Clearly loving riding around on his mobile shrine. Crazy! 
Monday 16 March 2015
Pratiwi enjoying her street breakfast. As I have said before, looks remarkably similar to lunch or dinner!
Monday 16 March 2015
How to secure your becak with a single padlock. Clever stuff.
Monday 16 March 2015
Scenes from a small market in Jogjakarta. And some that we passed while wondering along in the heat beforehand. Phew!
Monday 16 March 2015
Jogjakarta bird market. Some pets, some food, some fighters. Many other animals too. All seems a bit cruel though 
Monday 16 March 2015
Fried duck lunch, with some interesting fruit from our trip to the market. Then more fried banana for desert. Yum! 
Tuesday 17 March 2015
Oooh... free upgrade to 'premium' seats on our AirAsia flight. Can you tell?
Amazingly there is a tiny difference!
Tuesday 17 March 2015
Wow! DPS reno is great! Last time we were here was so hot & uncomfortable someone passed out waiting for immigration!
Tuesday 17 March 2015
Pre-dinner drinks at Menega Cafe. Waiting for the sunset 'show' to begin...
Tuesday 17 March 2015
Another unbelievable sunset on Jimbaran Beach. Say no more...
Tuesday 17 March 2015
After sunset... time for the food. Yum!
And the obligatory 'seafood cooking over smoking coconut husks' shot 
Wednesday 18 March 2015
Back by the beach, this time Benoa. You know what that means? More jogging at dawn, with breaks for pictures 
Wednesday 18 March 2015
Whilst in Ubud we must have an obligatory lunch stop at Ibu Oka. Hmmmm... babi guling!

Wednesday 18 March 2015
Typical Ubud sights: guardian statues & flowers. So typical I didn't even get out of the car to take first pic 
Wednesday 18 March 2015
Dinner at Murni's Warung. Sorry, it's been a long day. Well, for some, who were up running at sunrise if you recall!
Thursday 19 March 2015
Enjoying the morning view from our balcony. This is Onje Villa, Ubud. Quiet & relaxing & really rather good value 
Thursday 19 March 2015
After a hard day relaxing & being pampered it's nice to... erm... relax some more
Dinner at Bebek Bengil. Yum! 
Thursday 19 March 2015
There comes a time one simply can't eat more fried banana. Luckily, cafes, tea & cake are here for such moments

Friday 20 March 2015
Woke up too early so went for a short walk outside the villa. We're surrounded by rice paddies soooo...
Friday 20 March 2015
Lunch stop at 'Depot Betty' as we head North. Really great food & nicely priced as is away from tourist spots

Friday 20 March 2015
On the road to Bedugul... view from what was almost a mountain pass we crested. Would have been nice on a bike! 
Friday 20 March 2015
Either Pratiwi has shrunk or accommodation today is slightly oversized!
And wait 'til you see the view! Love it!
Friday 20 March 2015
We saw some really big 'ogoh ogoh' driving around today. These in Bedugul equally impressive! Pre-Nyepi day parade!
Saturday 21 March 2015
Nyepi day in Bali. Silent at dawn. We cannot leave hotel today so booked one with large grounds. So beautiful here.
Saturday 21 March 2015
Could get used to this Nyepi thing
We're at Puri Candikuning Resort & practically have whole place to ourselves!
Sunday 22 March 2015
Back down by the lake this morning. I dragged Pratiwi along this time. But then again, sun is up so not that early 
Sunday 22 March 2015
Just back from breakie looked out the window to see amazing light on the lake. Wow! It's so beautiful here. So lucky!
Sunday 22 March 2015
Pura Ulun Danu Bratan. Beautiful spot by the water. If only it were sunny! Love the repetition of those mosaic steps.
Sunday 22 March 2015
Went to Bedugul Botanical Garden & it rained lots! Probably too many pictures here featuring an umbrella
Nice tho.
Sunday 22 March 2015
Arrived at Tegalalang to see rice terraces. Sadly clouds had other ideas, so nothing for it but to eat more pork! 
Sunday 22 March 2015
Clouds lifted a bit after a little snack. Still a bit dull, but wow! Tegalalang terraces in the mist. Added interest!
Monday 23 March 2015
Plenty of rice paddies around Ubud, & many with ducks in them on an eve. So funny to watch & so cute & sooo yummy! 
Monday 23 March 2015
Random sights from our evening walk in Ubud. Didn't even see that dragonfly there, I just liked the light. Honest! 
Monday 23 March 2015
Time for dessert: pisang goreng cooked on the street. Yum! Look at the size of that wok, think this is popular stuff!
Tuesday 24 March 2015
Up early to visit Ubud market before tourist trash comes out. Priorities for Pratiwi though: breakie like a local!
Tuesday 24 March 2015
Early on at the 'outside' bit of Ubud market. Lots of flowers & the little religious offerings one sees everywhere.
Tuesday 24 March 2015
Look at all that fresh fish & meat. Easy to see why one has to be up early to see it! Lovely colours. So interesting.
Tuesday 24 March 2015
Looking at Pratiwi was a bit hot arriving at Maya Ubud! Thankful for an upgrade w/private plunge pool. Ah... cooling!
Tuesday 24 March 2015
Fooling around with selfies. Please forgive us, but this is the very spot where we were married. Happy memories 
Tuesday 24 March 2015
Cocktails & dinner at Maya Ubud. Yum! Maybe we're biased, but truly worth it's five star rating. Excellent all round!
Wednesday 25 March 2015
Ah, the resort breakfast buffet. Course one of, erm, maybe I shouldn't say!
Although I was in the gym earlier! 
Wednesday 25 March 2015
Found this fella during our post breakie walk. No macro lens so had to make do
Luckily tho, he was pretty slow! 
Wednesday 25 March 2015
Down by the river at Maya Ubud. So beautiful here - we love it 
Wednesday 25 March 2015
Well... that's the afternoon sorted then!
How's this for an infinite edge pool? Straight into a rainforest canopy!
Wednesday 25 March 2015
Bali Bakery 'v' Holland Bakery. Which is the best Cheesy John in Bali? We vote... drum roll... Holland Bakery!

Wednesday 25 March 2015
Last eve in Bali? What else but Jimberan Beach sunset? Tried a new spot but prefer Menega Cafe. Back there next time!
Wednesday 25 March 2015
Jimbaran Beach once the sun has set... & what happens when your tripod (aka wife) moves mid shot
Goodnight Bali!
Thursday 26 March 2015
Images from this morning's jog along Jimbaran Beach. Very much a place of work with lots of fishermen grafting hard.
Thursday 26 March 2015
Today's breakie was quiet restrained, despite that 8km run on the beach beforehand. What is the world coming to! 
Thursday 26 March 2015
We have an evening flight so must to hang around the beach & hotel all day. Tough, but if it has to be done...